Tuesday, 11 September 2018

The Employee Handbook

What is Employee handbook?
Employee handbook is also known as Policy manual, staff handbook, employee manual, it is given to employee by employer which contains company information, vision, mission, objectives, culture, policies and procedures. It is an employee reference manual. 

Why handbook required?
Handbook is not mandatory requirement for employers but having this have many advantages. It is best employee communication and risk management tool. It addresses many legal concerns, employment practices, policies and procedures. Now current technology has made it easy to update and distribute and convey message to employees.

How it should be?
Communicate clear expected behaviours, and define what great employee means.
Communicate company Mission, vision, Values and culture.  
Updated regularly - review with existing central and state labour, social security, employment laws.
Make sure it is an error free document.  
Ensure it servers as employee guide and reference book.

How to make it effective?

Train supervisors and managers to utilise employee handbook
Display in visual posters at workplace - Use posters, charts
Organise polls and quizzes in regular interval on awareness on company policies and procedures.
Send question of the week or month – send email link to participate.
Remind in staff meeting  

These are some most important points to be considered. Every organisation irrespective of its size and type of business must have employee handbook as risk management toll. Having employee handbook will not serve the purpose, it must be communicated its contents on regular intervals.

Friday, 7 September 2018

The Stay Interview

Engage employee before they become disconnected. One of the powerful tool to improve employee engagement, retain and reduce turnover. It gives an opportunity to have discussion with individual employees and helps employer to build trust, understand employee insights about organisation. More often management is reluctant to conduct individual meeting with employee thinking that employee will ask for raises, but it will help employer as preventive tool in employee turnover. 

It can be conducted twice a year or quarterly based on business and operations needs.

Who should conduct?

Ideally employees first line supervisor/immediate supervisor.

What are the advantages of stay interview?
Understand employee concerns and helps to prevents lose of top performing talent.
Based on finding employer can plan employee engagement activities.
Helps in reduce turnover.
Reduce recruitment efforts.

Stay interview may not bring perfect outcome, but it helps to understand why employee wants to stay with company and how to make it more interesting.

HR professionals play crucial role to conduct effective stay interview. He can create awareness and importance of stay interview as an effective employee retention strategy. Also HR can train first line managers and supervisors on effective implementation.

Thursday, 6 September 2018

HR Competencies

Human Resources function is most important function in an organisation. HR is involved in every part of the organisation. In general human resource professionals major activities are allied with talent attract, develop, retain high performing staff and employee separation process and comply with various employment laws.

HR professionals must possess behavioural, technical, functional skills and knowledge to perform HR activities effectively.

To succeed in the HR role, HR professionals having behavioural skills is not enough but also he must have the ability apply practically to drive the success of the organisations.

Key Skills HR Professional must have;

Knowledge of Human Resources
HR professionals must possess expertise in core human resource functions. Expertise in People, organisation and workplace challenges. 

HR has to assess current workforce behaviour, motivation factors, values, and organisation workforce requirements. Identify right talent, engage them and enhance their skills and abilities to deliver results.

HR professional must have thorough understanding of organisation structure and design the appropriate HR service model to fit the organisation. Align all HR functions i.e. hiring, talent management, compensation and benefits, learning & development, workforce management, Labour law compliance & statutory obligations. Integrate HR operations with organisation to ensure consistent delivery of services.

HR must be able to address day to day workplace issues. The present workplace witness diversified global workforce. The HR has to balance local needs with global trends.

HR must have good leadership qualities, understanding people and people’s challenges. Provide innovative and practical solutions to their challenges.

Ethical practice
Ability to understand core values, integrity and accountability in business practices while dealing with internal and external stakeholders.

Business Acumen
Ability to understand organisation, business model and business needs. If HR understands business he can be able to deliver effective HR services internal and external stakeholders.

Relationship management
Ability to build trusted relationship, managing teams, managing conflicts effectively, creates and maintains professional contacts and network.

Ability to work with stakeholders, evaluating and identify challenges, advise on emerging issues and providing effective suggestions/solutions. Evaluating challenges, design, and implement solutions.

Critical thinking
Ability to provide logical thinking, identify critical business challenges and provide solutions

Global & cultural effectiveness
Ability to work with multi generations, culturally diversified workforce, having global mindset,

Good communication skill is essential for any profession, but for HR communication is essential skill. In day to day operations HR has to exchange information, giving constructive feedback and solutions to his internal and external stakeholders. Communication has many folds, being able to communicate in written, oral, presentation skills in he must be able to listen and understand what others concerns are very important skill.

Working with various industry background, I acknowledge above competencies are most important which HR professionals must possess to work effectively. Everyone may not be expert in each of the above skills, it can be learned, it takes time and I am learning.

Source: SHRM learning system